Details of the National /state/ District level awards received from any Govt.Agencies by the organization for significant contribution in social sector:

Name of the Award Award issuing institutions / Organization  with date Remarks
As Partnership  with Partnership of TB Care & Control of India The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union)

-1st March, 2013.


As Member Stop TB Partnership

-18TH Aug,2013

Global Tuberculosis Forum
As Member Global Coalition of Tuberculosis Activists (GCTA) Global Tuberculosis Forum
Affiliation Nehru Yuva Kendra
Recognizes Partnership of TB Care & Control of India (A sister body) of Central TB Division -CCM
State Resources Body RTI under UNDP


National Media Fellowship Award REACH- United Way & The Lily MDR-TB Partnership


As Presented of PHC Management under PPP Director, Regional Resource Centre- State Institute of Health & Family Welfare Department –Govt.of Odisha


Recommended as a Member Odisha Voluntary Health Association (OVHA)



Jewel of India Award Indian Solidarity Council-New Delhi


International Award-Best Service provider Education , Relief and Welfare Section of United Nations  


Appreciation on the Field of Rescue-Relief -Rehabilitation AMURT(An UN Accord Organization)

And Addl. District Magistrate- Relief & Rehabilitation

The Inter Agency Coordination Group on behalf of Ganjam & Gajapati District Administration
Empanelment Provide Voluntary services to RNTCP-District TB Unit

(Government of Odisha)-28.02.2018

RNTCP- State Government
Empanelment Participatory Guarantee System for India-PGS India

(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation,

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Govt. of India) for Implementation of Organic Farming

Department of Agriculture & Cooperation,

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Govt. of India

International Award Gurukul University Department of Education, Relief & Welfare Section


Appreciation letter from Global body
Appreciation certificate-FPO
Appreciation Photo -FPO(Farmer Producer Organisation)
Appreciation ltr. from Ac’ Ramananda
State Resources person of UNDP
State AIDs Cell
SIRD Participation
Partnership under PTCT
Participation letter for IIT
Participation of Organic Farming
Media Fellowship
International Fund rising & Project report writting
International Conference
Conducting Interview for BU
Conducting for Interview in UU
Certificate of Appreciation